County Finances

Funding Sources for McKenzie County

Services provided to the residents of McKenzie County are funded by a variety of resources, including taxes on real property and mobile homes, fees for services, interest on investments, and oil and gas royalty revenues. Additional funding comes from state and federal agencies through pass-throughs such as the oil and gas production tax, highway tax distribution, state aid distribution, state library aid, flood control, and Bankhead Jones distributions.

Use of County Funds

The county is organized into a number of funds based on the services provided to citizens. The largest is the General Fund, which includes departments like the Auditor, Treasurer, Tax Director, Recorder, and Sheriff. Other funds include Social Services, Road & Bridge, and Veterans Service. The various departments in the General Fund and other funds are listed in the Final Budget report available below.

Special Revenue Funds

With the exception of the General Fund, revenues received by the "Special Revenue Funds" are restricted to use within the service area of that fund. Moneys designated for the General Fund may be used for any purpose within the county's fiscal responsibility.

Learn more about McKenzie County finances

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