Road and Bridge


Road and Bridge Department
McKenzie County Public Works Building
1300 12th St SE Ste. 240
Watford City, ND 58854


The McKenzie County Road and Bridge Department is responsible for maintaining, repairing, and constructing County roads and bridges. The Road and Bridge Department also provides support to organized townships to assist with maintaining and repairing Township roads. The Road and Bridge Department works holistically to prioritize road and bridge maintenance and improvement needs through the capital improvement planning process. The Engineering Department is housed within the Road and Bridge Department and permits encumbrances within the right of way including utilities and approaches. The Road and Bridge Department also issues overweight/oversized truck permits on County and Township roads via LoadPass Permits.

Road Updates

For updates on road closures, incidents, construction and weather conditions, click the link below.

Road and Bridge Staff

Grace Demars McKenzie County Engineering Director 701-444-7168 Email
Layton Northrop McKenzie County Road and Bridge Superintendent 701-444-7143 Email
Tim Pickering Permitting Specialist 701-444-7165 Email
Cindy Glover Road & Bridge Project Specialist 701-444-7164 Email
Cassie Cullinan Road & Bridge Specialist 701-444-7170 Email
Samantha Foreman Road and Bridge Specialist 701-444-7143 Email
LoadPass Afterhours This line will be checked periodically. Please leave a voicemail. 701-444-2600 Ext. *
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