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JDA Board Meeting: August 20, 2024

Aug 20 2024

5:30 pm McKenzie County Courthouse

201 5th St NW, Watford City 58854

Board Meeting Agenda

August 20, 2024, 5:30pm
McKenzie County Courthouse/virtual

• CONSIDERATION: agenda, minutes from prior meeting, and financial report
• REQUEST: approval for Angie Hartel’s nonprofit coordination contract agreement
• REQUEST: Ports to Plains Conference sponsorship
• REQUEST: Support letter for Bio Windfall DOE Grant application
• UPDATE: first Community Orientation set for Sep 5
• UPDATE: Housing
• UPDATE: workforce development position // Bakken Area Skills Center
• UPDATE: John Suter
o McKenzie County website upgrade
o Technology and Communications report / Economy at a Glance report
• UPDATE: Radio/app-Scott Hennen
• UPDATE: board members share items of interest
• Next Meeting: September 17, 2024 5:30pm McKenzie County Courthouse (same as NDPC Annual mtg social)

August 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Members present: Aaron Pelton, Shilo Chavez, Clint Wold, Joel Brown, Calli Thorne, Pete Edis, Rex Korslien
Members absent: John Carns, Gene Veeder, Matt Beard, Tyler Fixen
Others present: Daniel Stenberg, John Suter, Keith Olson, Vawnita Best, Angie Hartel

Vice Chair Aaron Pelton called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with quorum having been achieved.
The meeting was at the Missouri Room of the McKenzie County Courthouse and available remotely via zoom. Korslien made a motion to approve the agenda, financial report and meeting minutes as presented, Wold seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

No members reported a conflict of interest. ||

Stenberg presented the Ports to Plains Conference request for a sponsorship and noted that, back in 2019 when the conference was in Williston, the JDA approved a $5,000 sponsorship for that conference. Stenberg said conference organizers have noted there are 20+ sponsorship but their big push now is to get more attendees. John Suter will attend the conference on the JDA’s behalf. Chavez made a motion to sponsor up to $1000 in registrations for participants from McKenzie County to attend the Ports to Plains Annual Conference Korslien seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Stenberg presented a request for a letter of support for Bio Windfall’s Department of Energy grant application. Bio Windfall is applying for a DOE grant and is reaching out to McKenzie County to facilitate community engagement for their pilot project of converting the methane from flare gas to fertilizer on wells identified by HESS in McKenzie County. The company has a pilot project on a dairy converting its methane to fertilizer. The grant application packet is due August 26. While agreeing that the concept of converting the methane of flare gas to fertilizer is appealing, the board wanted to understand more the effects on the land owners and the environment around the well site before making a decision. They would also like to have representatives of the company present their request. Wold made a motion to table the JDA’s letter of support for Bio Windfall’s DOE grant application, Chavez seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Angie Hartel presented her nonprofit coordination contract agreement with the JDA and requested the board to approve the agreement. Hartel will work with local nonprofit organizations, community groups, volunteers and project funders and facilitate regular communication and collaboration among network members, along with other duties. Chavez made a motion to approve Angie Hartel’s nonprofit coordination contract agreement with the McKenzie County JDA, Thorne seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Stenberg gave an update on the McKenzie County Community Orientation which aims to familiarize McKenzie County residents, specifically new residents and employees, with the community and share ideas on ways to be involved and plugged into the community. The orientation events will take place on the first Thursday of each month, starting in September and ending on December. Stenberg handed out flyers for members to share around the community. ||

Aaron Pelton gave an update regarding Watford City Housing Authority’s Pathway to Purchase Program and noted that they are finalizing contracts for the houses. || Stenberg gave an update on the Workforce Development position and noted the county is waiting until after the outcome of the property tax elimination measure is known in November before moving forward with the position. ||

Suter updated the board on the ongoing county website redesign process with ProudCity. ||

Suter presented the July Technology and Communications report and the August Economy at a Glance and noted that there were 5,000 visits to Ribfest 2024. ||

Stenberg gave an update regarding Scott Hennen’s radio show and noted it is moving from Tioga to Watford City and will now be broadcasting from the McKenzie County Farmer building. Hennen is also working on a app where users can buy a subscription for specific levels of access. ||

Board members shared items of interest. ||

Korslien made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Edis seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.

Signed: ____________________ Date: __________

Daniel Stenberg

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