JDA Board Meeting: July 16, 2024

Jul 16 2024

5:30 pm McKenzie County Courthouse

201 5th St NW, Watford City 58854

Board Meeting Agenda

July 16, 2024, 5:30pm
McKenzie County Courthouse/virtual

• CONSIDERATION: agenda, minutes from prior meeting, and financial report
• REQUEST: Keith Olson
o Small Business Development Center $60,000 (2024 budgeted funds)
o Post-secondary training strategy for BASC final payment towards $12,000 (2024 budgeted funds)
• REQUEST: Ports to Plains Conference sponsorship
• UPDATE: Housing
• UPDATE: workforce development position
• UPDATE: workforce retention
o Nonprofit Network
o Community Orientation
• UPDATE: John Suter
o McKenzie County website upgrade
o Technology and Communications report / Economy at a Glance report
• UPDATE: board members share items of interest
• Next Meeting: August 20, 2024 5:30pm McKenzie County Courthouse

July 16, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Members present: John Carns, Shilo Chavez, Tyler Fixen, Clint Wold, Joel Brown, Calli Thorne (virtual), Pete Edis
Members absent: Rex Korslien, Gene Veeder, Aaron Pelton, Matt Beard
Others present: Daniel Stenberg, John Suter, Keith Olson, Vawnita Best

Chair John Carns called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with quorum having been achieved.
The meeting was at the Missouri Room of the McKenzie County Courthouse and available remotely via zoom. Brown made a motion to approve the agenda, financial report and meeting minutes as presented, Fixen seconded. Motion passed unanimously. It was requested that Stenberg reach out to Safflower Technologies International to see if they intent to use the Flex PACE program that JDA pledged funds to last year and currently have set aside.

No members reported a conflict of interest. ||

Keith Olson gave an update on the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and the ups and downs of the last year. Olson also noted how important funding is from the JDA and how the SBDC has used that funding towards helping more entrepreneurs and their businesses in the area. Olson requested the annual $60,000 of budgeted funds from the JDA to the SBDC Williston State College (WSC) regional office. Brown made a motion to approve the release of 2024 allocated funds of $60,000 to the WSC SBDC regional office, Wold seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Olson presented his request for the final payment of $12,000 from allocated JDA funds for the Bakken Area Skills Center (BASC) and its post-secondary strategy. The board discussed the BASC and possible classes and programs that could be held at the facility in the future. Chavez made a motion to approve the release of 2024 allocated funds of $12,000 to the BASC for final payment and for post-secondary training strategy, Fixen seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Stenberg gave an update on the Ports to Plains Alliance and their work with the Theodore Roosevelt Expressway and plan to completely expand HWY 85 to 4-lanes in every state the highway runs through. Ports to Plains is a grassroots association of communities, organizations and businesses from Mexico through nine U.S. states and into Canada that advocate for a robust transportation infrastructure along the region’s key economic sectors. The organization is requesting a sponsorship from the JDA for their 2024 Ports-To-Plains Conference. Chavez made a motion to table the Ports-to-Plains Conference sponsorship discussion to gather more information and make a decision at next month’s meeting, Wold seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Stenberg gave an update regarding housing and the board discussed current and potential programs that will help boost housing in McKenzie County. Stenberg noted that the first house built as part of the JDA Home Builder Construction Loan program sold on July 2. ||

Stenberg gave an update on the Workforce Development position and noted he and the county have added qualifications and daily functions of the position. ||

Stenberg presented the McKenzie County Nonprofit Network proposal and the creation of a network to address philanthropic, volunteer and resource concerns in the county. A nonprofit network in our area will work to provide resources, best practices and networking opportunities to all organizations and individuals who are exploring their altruistic side. If approved, the McKenzie County Nonprofit Network will be a pilot program led by Angie Hartel and will be provided $1,500 a month to accomplish its organizational goals. Edis noted that McKenzie Health works largely with donors and philanthropic organizations in the community and said that Stenberg and Hartel should meet with Lynn Welker from McKenzie Health to find a stronger path to accomplish this proposal. Edis made a motion to postpone approval until Angie Hartel has met with affected parties and gathered more information to bring to the August JDA meeting, Wold seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Stenberg presented the McKenzie County Orientation proposal and gave an update on its progress. The board gave an informal approval of the program and its draft. Stenberg noted that it will begin in September and go through a few-month pilot program until December before being evaluated on its effectiveness. ||

Suter updated the board that the county website redesign process is officially starting next week as he is meeting with ProudCity twice a week for onboarding and training. ||

Suter presented the June Technology and Communications report and the July Economy at a Glance and noted the success in visitor turnouts at a few of this summer’s annual events. ||

Board members shared items of interest. ||

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.

Signed: ____________________ Date: _____

Daniel Stenberg

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