Open Enrollment

North Dakota Century Code 15.1-31-01

In Accordance of North Dakota Century Code 15.1-31-01, by March first of the school year preceding the year of enrollment, a parent who wishes to enroll a student in a North Dakota school district other than the student's district of residence shall file an application for approval with the board of the student's district of residence. The superintendent of public instruction shall make the application forms available in each school district.

By April 1 of the school year preceding the year of enrollment the school board of the student's district of residence shall act on the application, notify the parent of the board's decision, and if the application is approved, immediately transmit the application to the admitting district.

Notice of intent to enroll in the admitting district obligates the student to attend the admitting district during the following school year unless the school boards of the resident and admitting districts agree in writing to allow the student to transfer back to the resident district or the student’s parent relocates to another district.

For other questions, please call your child's school district of residence.

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